
Deleting a Metronic Theme

Metronic theme currently has 12 different themes and AspNet Zero includes them all. However, you might want to use only specific themes and delete some others. This document explains how to delete a theme option from AspNet Zero. In this document, deleting Theme2 will be explained. You can apply same steps to delete other theme options.

.Net Part

  • Go to *Application.Shared project. Open AppConsts.cs and delete Theme2 field.

  • Go to *.Web.Core project.

    • Delete Theme2UiCustomizer.cs
    • Open UiThemeCustomizerFactory.cs and delete Theme2 code parts in GetUiCustomizerInternal function.
  • Go to *.Core project. Open AppSettingProvider.cs and delete GetTheme2Settings function

    Angular Part

  • Go to src-> app -> shared -> layout folder

    • Go to themes folder. Delete theme2 folder
    • Go to theme-selection folder. Open theme-selection-panel.component.html and delete Theme2 code parts.
  • Go to src-> app -> shared -> helper folder. Open DynamicResourceHelpers.ts and delete Theme2 code parts.

  • Go to src -> app -> admin folder

    • Open admin.module.ts and delete Theme2 code parts.
    • Go to ui-customization folder
      • Delete theme2-theme-ui-settings.component.ts.
      • Delete theme2-theme-ui-settings.component.html.
      • Open ui-customization.component.html and delete Theme2 code parts.
  • Go to src -> app . Open app.module.ts and delete Theme2 code parts.

  • Go to src -> app. Open app.component.html and delete Theme2 code parts.

  • Open bundles.js and delete Theme2 bundles.

Just note that, if you are deleting a theme on an already published application, don't forget to delete records with the name equals to "App.UiManagement.Theme" and name starts with "Theme2.*" in AbpSettings table.

In this document