
Project Types Differences


While base functionalities are identical for all versions of ASP.NET Zero, there are still some differences between different versions. In this document, we will highlight these differences.

ASP.NET Core vs. ASP.NET MVC 5.x

Beginning from v4.1, we are more focused on ASP.NET Core based solutions (rather than ASP.NET MVC 5.x). That means our new major features will be implemented for ASP.NET Core version.

Angular vs. Angularjs 1.x

Beginning from v4.1, we are more focused on Angular based solutions (rather than Angularjs 1.x). That means our new major features will be implemented for Angular framework.

Version Differences

  • ASP.NET Core & jQuery: All social login options are available. (Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Google, OpenIddict)
  • ASP.NET Core & Angular: Twitter social login option is not available.

See development guide documents for details of all features in different versions:

In this document