
User Menu

A user can click his name at top right corner to open user menu:

User menu

Linked Accounts

Linked accounts are used to link multiple accounts to each other. In this way, a user can easily navigate through his/her accounts using this feature.

User can link new accounts or delete already linked accounts by clicking the "Manage accounts" link.

User menu

In order to link a new account, user must enter login credentials of related account.

link new account

UserLinkAppService class is used to manage application logic for account linking, UserLinkManager class is used to manage domain logic for account linking.

Profile Settings

My settings is used to change user profile settings:

User settings

As shown here, admin user name can not be changed. It's considered a special user name since it's used in database migration seed. Other users can change their usernames. ProfileAppService is used to get/change settings.

Login Attempts

All login attempts (success of failed) are logged in the application. A user can see last login attempts for his/her account. UserLoginAppService is used to get login attempts from server.

Login attempts

Change Picture

A user can change own profile picture. ProfileController is used to upload and get user profile pictures. Currently, JPG, JPEG, GIF and PNG files are supported, you can extend it.

A user can also use Gravatar image for profile picture using change profile picture modal window.

Change profile picture

Change Password

ProfileAppService is used to change password.

Download Collected Data

A user can download his/her collected data using this menu item.

Login attempts


AccountController is used to logout the user and redirect to Login page.



Last updated: June 02, 2020 Edit this page on GitHub
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