Used Libraries & Frameworks
Many open source frameworks and libraries are used to build ASP.NET Zero project. Here's the list of all libraries:
- Angular
- Angular-cli
- Typescript
- SignalR
- Metronic Theme
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Ngx Bootstrap
- primeng
- LocalForage
- Moment.js
- Moment.js Timezone
- Lodash
- Font-Awesome
- Famfamfam flags
- Simple Line Icons
- SweetAlert
- ngx-charts
- angular-oauth2-oidc
- angular2-counto
- angular2-text-mask
- animate.css
- js-cookie
- ng-recaptcha
- ng2-file-upload
- ngx-image-cropper
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar
- push.js
- rtl-detect
- spin.js
- text-mask-addons