
Aspnet Zero UI Tests

AspNet Zero provides an infrastructure for UI tests. It employs browser automation, screenshots, and image comparison to do so.

Project Setup & Structure

You should have the following installed in your system:

  • Node.js is the runtime. Please make sure you have v12+ (LTS recommended) in your system before you start.
  • [npm] is the package manager and will help you install your dependencies and run scripts. It will be available when you install Node.js in your system.

After making sure these exist in your system, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Navigate to the root folder of this project (if not already there).
  3. Run npm install.

The following dependencies will be installed:

  • TypeScript is the language we use in this project. All utilities, spec files, and extensions to Jest are in TypeScript.
  • ES Lint is the JavaScript/TypeScript linter. It finds and fixes problems in your code and thus ensures code quality and consistency.
  • Prettier formats your code. The current configuration in this project makes Prettier play well with ES Lint.
  • dotenv loads environment variables from the .env file.
  • Jest is the testing framework. Jest is also a test runner, so you do not need a separate one. It also is highly extensible. This project benefits from the extensibility of Jest a lot.
  • Playwright provides browser automation and screenshots. Playwright has a CLI which lets us generate the test code without writing (almost) any.
  • Pixelmatch compares screenshots. It takes two images and returns an image and a numeric value representing the difference (a.k.a. diff).
  • pngjs is a PNG utility. It reads the PNG screenshots and materializes (writes) the diff as a PNG file.
  • EJS is a simple JavaScript template engine. It renders the issue template based on given variables.
  • fs-extra provides promise-based file system methods. It reads, writes, and deletes files with great ease.
  • Lodash is a utility library for JavaScript. It provides methods to help you work with strings, arrays, objects, and more.
  • Simple Git is a Node.js wrapper around git commands. We use it to create local branches, commit changes, and push commits to the remote.
  • Octokit is the SDK of GitHub. We create issues and pull requests with it.

There are two parts of the project that requires your close attention.

  • The jest.config.js and the files under the jest folder establish the base for testing. You are not expected to make any changes to these files.
  • The tests folder includes the actual tests and utilities to create them with less effort. This is where you will place your test suites.

Another important file you need to know about is the .env file. This file contains project configuration. It does not exist in the repo for security reasons. Please find the .env.example file and create a local .env file based on the descriptions. You will need a GitHub personal access token. Please refer to the GitHub documentation for details.

After installing dependencies and creating a valid .env file, the project will be ready-to-run.

Running Tests in Development Mode

Before you start, make sure your frontend and backend projects are running.

The following steps take place upon running npm test in terminal:

  1. The jest folder gets compiled.
  2. Jest starts based on the configurations in jest.config.js.
  3. All .spec.ts files in the tests folder get tested.
  4. Any changes to screenshots are saved.

However, this command runs all tests, and you will most likely want to run a single test most of the time. Insert the relative file path to the end of the same command for that.

npm test mvc/editions

If you want to run all specs for one project

npm test mvc

Running Tests in CI Mode

Before you start, make sure your frontend and backend projects are running.

The following steps take place upon running npm run test:ci in terminal:

  1. Every step in the "Development Mode" happens.
  2. Changes on each project are committed to separate branches.
  3. Generated branches are pushed to the remote.
  4. A single issue (per project with change) is created on the original project repo. The /jest/ file is the issue template.
  5. A pull request is created for each branch. The PR refers to the issue on the original project repo.

Please note that this command creates actual commits, branches, issues, and pull requests. Therefore, you should run the "Development Mode" unless you want these to happen.

If you want the tests to run only for a single file, insert the relative file path to the end of the same command.

npm run test:ci mvc/editions

Using base project folder instead will run all specs for that particular project.

npm run test:ci mvc

How to Create Tests

Please examine tests/mvc/editions.spec.ts to see an example spec.

There are two ways to create a test.

  • Write directives to Playwright manually.
  • Use the Playwright CLI to generate code.

The first option requires you to know about the Playwright API. The second one, on the other hand, is quite easy. Please refer to this section for details.

Although Playwright CLI helps you create tests, you will notice that it sometimes produces element selectors that are too tied to implementation. Please refer to the documentation for selectors to see different approaches you can take. Also, the example spec demonstrates how to use imported functions for reusable selectors.

Tip: If you want to run tests in debug mode, uncomment DEBUG=pw:api line in your .env file.

Tip: If you want to see the browser when tests are running, uncomment HEADFUL= line in your .env file.

Tip: If you use VSCode to write your tests you can use debugging.


Last updated: June 14, 2021 Edit this page on GitHub
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