Base Classes
There are some useful base classes used in the application:
- PhoneBookAppServiceBase can be used as a base class for all application services.
- PhoneBookDomainServiceBase can be used as a base class for domain services.
- PhoneBookControllerBase can be used as a base class for ASP.NET Core MVC Controllers.
- PhoneBookRazorPage can be used as a base class for ASP.NET MVC Views. Actually, all views are automatically inherit this since it's defined in _ViewImports.cshtml files. You can add some common properties/methods here to use in all views.
- PhoneBookServiceBase can be used as a base class for other service-like classes. UserEmailer class inherits it, for instance.
- PhoneBookRepositoryBase can be used as a base class for custom repository implementations.
It's strongly recommended to inherit one of these classes upon your needs since they really make Logging, Localization, Authorization... easier.