
Tenancy Resolvers

ASP.NET Boilerplate has built in tenancy resolvers for server side, see documentation for more information. But, in some scenarios, you may want to determine the current tenant on the client application. For example, ASP.NET Zero's Angular template is deployed separately from its ASP.NET Core API app.

Because of this, ASP.NET Zero provides built-in tenancy resolvers for its Angular application. These are;

  • SubdomainTenantResolver
  • QueryStringTenantResolver
  • CookieTenantResolver

By default, these resolvers are executed in the given order. If a tenant resolver finds the tenant, it then sets Abp.TenantId cookie value, so the server side app can use this to determine the current tenant as well.


Finds the tenancy name from subdomain by using the app's configured URL. For example, if the app's URL is configured as https://{TENANCY_NAME} and visited url is, then tenant1 will be returned as tenancy name.


Looks for abp_tenancy_name query string parameter and returns its value for tenancy name if abp_tenancy_name parameter is present in current query string.


Looks for abp_tenancy_name cookie value and returns its value for tenancy name if abp_tenancy_name cookie value is present.

You can also implement similar classes and use them in resolveTenancyName method of AppPreBootstrap.ts to determine the current tenant.


Last updated: January 09, 2023 Edit this page on GitHub
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