
Testing CreatePerson Method

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We can create a unit test method to test CreatePerson method as shown below:

public async Task Should_Create_Person_With_Valid_Arguments()
    await _personAppService.CreatePerson(
        new CreatePersonInput
            Name = "John",
            Surname = "Nash",
            EmailAddress = ""

        context =>
            var john = context.Persons.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == "");

Test method also written using async/await pattern since calling method is async. We called CreatePerson method, then checked if given person is in the database. UsingDbContext method is a helper method of AppTestBase class (which we inherited this unit test class from). It's used to easily get a reference to DbContext and use it directly to perform database operations.

This method successfully works since all required fields are supplied. Let's try to create a test for invalid arguments:

public async Task Should_Not_Create_Person_With_Invalid_Arguments()
    //Act and Assert
    await Assert.ThrowsAsync<AbpValidationException>(
        async () =>
                    await _personAppService.CreatePerson(
                        new CreatePersonInput
                            Name = "John"

We did not set Surname property of CreatePersonInput despite it being required. So, it throws AbpValidationException automatically. Also, we can not send null to CreatePerson method since validation system also checks it. This test calls CreatePerson with invalid arguments and asserts that it throws AbpValidationException. See validation document for more information.



Last updated: October 22, 2020 Edit this page on GitHub