
Common Payment System

ASP.NET Zero provides a payment system to get payments easily. In order to start a payment, just use CreatePayment method of IPaymentManager. You can create a new application service or you can use existing CreatePayment method of PaymentAppService. Then, you need to redirect user to gateway-selection route of account module as shown below;

                    queryParams: {
                        paymentId: paymentId

ASP.NET Zero's common payment system will handle the rest of the payment flow.

  • If the payment process is successfull, user will be redirected to SuccessUrl provided when creating the payment request.
  • If the payment process is unsuccessfull, user will be redirected to ErrorUrl provided when creating the payment request.
  • If SuccessUrl or ErrorUrl is not provided, user will be redirected to a common page and result of the payment process will be displayed.

Creating Payment Request

SubscriptionPayment Entity

IPaymentManager is used to create a payment requet. It's CreatePayment method requires a SubscriptionPayment entity. Here is the detials of SubscriptionPayment entity.

  • TenantId: Represents which Tenant this payment request belongs to.
  • PaymentPeriodType: Period type of the payment if this is a payment for a specific period. Currently, Monthly and Annual are supported.
  • DayCount: Integer value of PaymentPeriodType field.
  • Gateway: Name of payment gateway which processed this payment. This is set by ASP.NET Zero when the payment is successfull.
  • Status: Status of payment. This is set by ASP.NET Zero.
  • ExternalPaymentId: Id of the payment in the external payment gateway system like Stripe or PayPal. This is set by ASP.NET Zero.
  • InvoiceNo: Invoice number if an invoice generated in ASP.NET Zero for this payment.
  • SuccessUrl: URL to redirect user if payment is successfull.
  • ErrorUrl: URL to redirect user if payment is failed.
  • IsRecurring: Represents if this is a recurring payment or not. If it is recurring, user's credit card will be charged at the end of every payment cycle. This is only supported by Stripe at the moment.
  • IsProrationPayment: This is a special field. If the tenant is on a recurring payment plan and operation is upgrade, then it is a proration payment.
  • ExtraProperties: A dictionary to store additional information on the payment object.
  • SubscriptionPaymentProducts: List of products to be purchased for this payment.

SubscriptionPaymentProduct Entity

  • SubscriptionPaymentId: Id of the related payment record.
  • Description: Description of the purchased product.
  • Amount: Price of the product.
  • Count: Count of products to be purchased.
  • TotalAmount: Total price of products to be purchased.
  • ExtraProperties: A dictionary to store additional information on the product object.


Last updated: February 21, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub