
Audit Logs

In audit logs page, we can see all user interactions with the application:

Audit logs

All application service methods and MVC controller actions are automatically logged and can be viewed here. See audit logs documentation to learn how to configure it. When we click the magnifier icon, we can see all details an audit log:

Audit Log

Audit log report is provided by AuditLogAppService class.

Periodic Log Deletion

ASP.NET Zero has built-in periodic log deletion system (*.Application/Auditing/ExpiredAuditLogDeleterWorker.cs). To enable it, go to appsettings.json and set AuditLog.AutoDeleteExpiredLogs.IsEnabled to true; (default false)

"App": {
    "AuditLog": {
      "AutoDeleteExpiredLogs": {
        "IsEnabled": true

Then periodic log deletion will be enabled.

Periodic Log Deletion Backup

Periodic log deletion system also has backup implementation. It uses IExpiredAndDeletedAuditLogBackupService to backup deleted items. It's default implementation uses excel to create backup. To enable it, go to appsettings.json and set AuditLog.AutoDeleteExpiredLogs.ExcelBackup.IsEnabled to true; (default false). Then deleted items will be stored in the given file path as an excel file.

"App": {
    "AuditLog": {
      "AutoDeleteExpiredLogs": {
        "IsEnabled": true,
        "ExcelBackup": {
          "IsEnabled": true,
          "FilePath": "App_Data/AuditLogsBackups/"

*.Application/Auditing/ExpiredAuditLogDeleterWorker.cs has two more parameter.

CheckPeriodAsMilliseconds: Time to wait between two controls.

MaxDeletionCount: The maximum number of records that can be deleted at once.

Note: To perform smaller operations with more frequent intervals you can decrease MaxDeletionCount and CheckPeriodAsMilliseconds.



Last updated: April 04, 2022 Edit this page on GitHub
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