
Main Menu and Layout

Menu and Layout files are located under the shared folder.

Angular layout files

ASP.NET Zero has 12 theme options and some of them are using left menu and some others are using top menu. Because of that, ASP.NET Zero contains two type of menu components, side-bar-menu.component and top-bar-menu.component. But, both components are getting the menu definition from app-navigation.service.ts class. So, if you need to add new menu items, you can modify this class and add your menu items.

You can add your new menu items here. You generally relate a menu item to an Angular route. Angular routes are defined in several modules:

  • app/admin/admin-routing.module defines routes for admin module.
  • app/main/main-routing.module defines routes for main module.
  • app/app-routing.module defines general routes and the default route.

A menu item contains below properties:

  • name: Name of the menu item. This value is used to show menu item on the UI using localization. So, it must be also entered into localization file of your app, otherwise you will see a not-localize value in the UI.
  • permissionName: If the menu item requires a permission, you can set it using this property.
  • icon: Icon to show on UI for the menu item.
  • route: The Angular route to redirect when clicked to menu item. A sample value is: /app/admin/tenants.
  • items: Children items of the menu item.
  • external: Shows if the menu item opens an external url or not. If you set this property to true, you can use external urls for route parameter.
  • parameters: Parameters to send when opening a new route. This parameter is valid only when external parameter is false.
  • requiresAuthentication: If you want to show a menu item to authorized users but don't want to set a specific permissionName for that menu item, you can set this property to true.
  • featureDependency: A function to check feature dependency of a menu item. A sample is:
new AppMenuItem('Users', 'Pages.Administration.Users', 'flaticon-users', '/app/admin/users', undefined, undefined, undefined, () => {
	return this._featureCheckerService.isEnabled('App.ChatFeature');



Last updated: April 05, 2019 Edit this page on GitHub