
ASP.NET ZERO Power Tools Configuration

The config.json file provided in your ASP.NET Zero project contains essential file paths and configuration settings used by the Power Tools. While the Power Tools typically do not require manual configuration, there are instances where you might need to modify the configuration to adapt to changes in file locations or project structure. In such cases, updating the config.json becomes necessary to ensure the Power Tools function correctly.

Here are some key points to consider when modifying the config.json file:

  1. Company Name and Project Name: You may need to update the CompanyName and ProjectName fields with appropriate values to match your project's details.

  2. Project Type and Version: Set the ProjectType to Angular or Mvc and specify the appropriate ProjectVersion.

  3. Application Area Name: Ensure the ApplicationAreaName matches the relevant area name in your project (used only for MVC projects).

  4. License Code: Replace [YOURLICENSECODE] with the valid license code for your project.

  5. File Locations: This section contains various file paths used by the Power Tools for different functionalities. If you change any of these file locations in your project, you need to update the corresponding paths in the config.json file accordingly. For example, if you move the DbContext file to a different location, update the DbContext path to reflect the new location.

  6. Base Paths: The config.json file uses base paths (e.g., AngularSrcPath, AngularMergedSrcPath, CoreSrcPath) to build the final file paths. Make sure to set these base paths correctly according to your project's structure.

  7. Angular Project Type: Depending on whether your Angular project is separate from server side Host project or merged with server side Host project, use the appropriate base path (AngularSrcPath for split projects or AngularMergedSrcPath for merged projects) for the Angular-related file paths.

Always double-check the changes you make in the config.json file to avoid any errors or inconsistencies. It's crucial to keep the configuration updated to ensure the Power Tools can accurately locate the required files and function as expected with your project's structure.

Example config.json

  "CompanyName": "",
  "ProjectName": "[YOURPROJECTNAME]",
  "ProjectType": "Angular",
  "ProjectVersion": "v8.0.0",
  "ApplicationAreaName": "App",
  "LicenseCode": "[YOURLICENSECODE]",
  "AngularSrcPath": "\\..\\..\\angular\\src\\",
  "AngularMergedSrcPath": "\\..\\src\\{{Namespace_Here}}.Web.Host\\src\\",
  "CoreSrcPath": "\\..\\src\\",
  "FormatGeneratedFiles": true,
  "FileLocations": {
    "DbContext": "{{Namespace_Here}}.EntityFrameworkCore\\EntityFrameworkCore\\{{Project_Name_Here}}DbContext.cs",
    "CustomDtoMapper": "{{Namespace_Here}}.Application\\CustomDtoMapper.cs",
    "AppAuthorizationProvider": "{{Namespace_Here}}.Core\\Authorization\\AppAuthorizationProvider.cs",
    "EntityHistoryHelper": "{{Namespace_Here}}.Core\\EntityHistory\\EntityHistoryHelper.cs",
    "AppPermissions": "{{Namespace_Here}}.Core\\Authorization\\AppPermissions.cs",
    "LocalizationFile": "{{Namespace_Here}}.Core\\Localization\\{{Project_Name_Here}}\\{{Project_Name_Here}}.xml",
    "EntityFrameWorkProjectFolder": "{{Namespace_Here}}.EntityFrameworkCore",
    "Mvc": {
      "AppNavigationProvider": "{{Namespace_Here}}.Web.Mvc\\Areas\\{{App_Area_Name_Here}}\\Startup\\{{App_Area_Name_Here}}NavigationProvider.cs",
      "AppPageNames": "{{Namespace_Here}}.Web.Mvc\\Areas\\{{App_Area_Name_Here}}\\Startup\\{{App_Area_Name_Here}}PageNames.cs",
      "BundleConfig": "{{Namespace_Here}}.Web.Mvc\\bundles.json"
    "Angular": {
      "AppNavigationService": "app\\shared\\layout\\nav\\app-navigation.service.ts",
      "ServiceProxies": "shared\\service-proxies\\service-proxy.module.ts",
      "Module": "app\\{{menu_Position_Here}}\\{{menu_Position_Here}}.module.ts",
      "RoutingModule": "app\\{{menu_Position_Here}}\\{{menu_Position_Here}}-routing.module.ts"


Last updated: August 08, 2023 Edit this page on GitHub